The Sovereign Duty of the State Legislatures

2 years ago

Today, the federal government is constantly violating the US Constitution and usurping powers that belong to the States and the People. State’s Attorney Generals sue the federal government in federal courts asking the feds to define what their powers are instead of using the Constitution. Others want to hold an Article V convention to propose amendments to restrict the federal government. We had an amendments convention in 1787 to “Remedy the defects in the Articles of Confederation only”, find out how that turned out!
A completely new Constitution with it’s own method of ratification. What is the right way to oppose federal overreach? Did the Founder’s leave us any directions? YES, they did! Come and see this presentation and find out how the Founder’s said we should combat the federal government when they make laws, create agencies, issue executive orders or have supreme court opinions that violate the Enumerated/Delegated powers found in the Constitution.

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