Front Yard Attack⚜️Tactical Protection Review 🔴

2 years ago

⚜️This poor lady was attacked in broad daylight while getting inside her own home. Have a look at the video till the end to know what we can learn from a situation like this. I create these videos to help you lead a safer pattern of life as these incidents are occurring more and more in the world we live in. The number one building block for personal protection is to stay alert while you’re in transitional spaces like these.

Your goal should be to avoid such incidents as much as possible so as protectors, be aware of the context of the place you’re in. You’re in transitional spaces when you’re walking from point A to point B. These are the places where 80% of the attacks usually happen.

Specifically, in this video we also get to know how intelligence plays an important role in protecting yourself, your family and your business. So, don’t share more than what you should with others. You never know what dangers are lurking around!

Stay safe out there.

Learn the skills to protect yourself and let’s make this world a safer place by making good people more dangerous!
⭕️ ⭕️

Protector by nature and by trade
Byron Rodgers

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