Vancouver Protest @TEDTALKS, Doctors On Tour & Joshua UPDATE

2 years ago

Help support my trip to Vancouver to film live and document the Ted Talks - Super Protest against world criminals G.ates and G.ore.

Romeo also sends love:
*Romeo from Romania sends you this message:*
*Governments all over the world should protect their nations from evil people and threats.*
*Especially the Canadian government.*
*Demand to your government to oppose Bill Gates!*
*India declared Bill Gates persona non grata.*
*Hungary declared George Soros persona non grata.*
*As a matter of fact, that’s the way we should act!*

I calculated diesel for the Vancouver trip to be over $400 and I purchased another sim card monthly plan to share videos on the road. Show your interest and support via:

My associate Joshua is also still in jail and his mom is also dealing with "Assault of a Peace Officer" charge and asked for help with taxi and legal fees. & (purchase any digital product and set any amount to pay)

I will also be attending the DOCTORS ON TOUR today April 4, 2022 in Penticton BC and will film for Rumble and Odysee. I might pay to sign-up for Rumble Premium to film live also, and Odysee also has a Live feature to purchase a live feed for 50 LBRL block-chain currency. to support with LBRL and subscribe.


Marcel Irnie

Joshua and Mom Notes by Sara (Josh's sister)

Donations for competent council fees:
Give Send Go:
Digital store (take what you need):

For those who want to donate:

Your donations will be going to my mom and brother for competent council/legal fees. My mom feels it will cost anywhere from $5k to $10k for this process.

As for Joshua, we’ve been told that he is being held in detainment in Sherbrooke QC.

The next virtual hearing is:
April 6th in Granby, QC

Click here for Joshua’s story from the false charges in February 2021:

They have also dropped a few charges against Joshua.

Please pray for Joshua and my mom that a miracle unfolds in their lives and all involved throughout this process. Thank you.

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