Hidden Witchcraft Most Christians Don't Know About

2 years ago

The enemy is always ready to deceive and manipulate the believer with the smallest thing that may seem harmless to the natural eye. Remember we walk in the spirit, so we live in the spirit and not by sight. We operate through our inner man our spirit man, so we have to be intentional with our walk with the Lord. Marriages restored in faith is her to pray and to agree according to the word of God for your walk with the Jesus.

Leviticus 20:6-7
Deuteronomy 18:10-14
2Cronicles 33:6
2Timothy 4:2-4
1John 4:1
Luke 12:29
1Cronicles 10:13
1 Samuel 28

Marriages Restored In Faith
Midland TX 79708

Email = mrifaith@yahoo.com
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Text to give ( mrifaith ) 1-432-286-1664

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