Project Veritas exposes Twitter shadow banning. Elon Musk becomes Twitter's largest shareholder.

2 years ago

The undercover footage of Twitter shadow banning is from the following Project Veritas video from 2018:

The report of Elon Musk buying 9% of Twitter's common shares is recent. It's unclear if he plans to use his stake for activism. Recently, Musk polled his followers if they thought Twitter was rigorously adhering to free speech principles (with 70.4% of over 2 million people voting 'no') and also openly flirted with the idea of starting his own social media company founded on free speech principles.

In this video, a former Twitter software engineer explains how shadow banning works. Shadow banning is a form of censorship that is less obvious than other forms of censorship to everyone. From the perspective of a person who's being shadow banned, everything seems to be functioning as normal, but other people don't get to see the banned person's activity show up in their account. Nobody outside of the platform gets a message that someone is being shadow banned, including the account owner themselves. All data of the banned person's activity is basically thrown away.

The software engineer admits that information leaking out on shadow banning would create negative PR and that shadow banning is also unethical in some way.

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