Bill Martin's 4-5-2003 talk, part 2 of 5, announcing Sic Itur Ad Aster publication date

3 years ago

I remember a character once who took my course and was threatening me that if I didn't get my book written in a hurry, somebody else will have to write it for me... his remark was, "I need freedom"... I explained to him that the reason the book will be written is not because he needs freedom but because I wish to write the book and it's my property. "But then hurry it up." I said, "It will be written when it's written. I have the highest proprietary interest in getting it written, not you. And I'm injured more by its non-being-written than you can possibly be."
Sic Itur Ad Astra V-201 Session 22, Part A Vol. IV, p. 84

Does this sound like a man who did not want his "trustees" to publish his book??? Well, the book has been ready for nearly 20 years now and is ready to be published! Only a group of squatters sitting on Galambos' estate are keeping this from happening. Let them know you do not approve of what the professor would call their criminal behavior.
SIc Itur Ad Astra

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