2 years ago

Ancient Psychedelia: Alien Gods & Mushroom Goddesses Pt. 4 of 9 India & Persia / Serpents & Magi - The True Cradle of Civilization was India. Why is it then that scholars assume & believe that everything evolved from the Middle east when it comes to culture and society, after all, doesn't Sumer have the fist written language? That's true, but something the PTB do not want people to know, is that the human mind is capable of remembering dozens of books, the size of the bible. This is what humans did before they started writing things down. The Sages of India at the time, had the entire Rg Veda committed to memory BEFORE they ever chose to put that into writing. The Rg Veda are literally the oldest known texts that exist, but they existed FAR long before Sumer ever created the written language.
This episode goes deep into the Serpent Mythology & India's obsession with so called Serpent Worship. Early deities are explored as they originally were, nature deities. Exploration into the Bull & Cow as sacred symbols and the reasons for this. The Magi of Persia & the 1st coins ever minted. The Birth of the Cult of Mithra & the Good/Evil Dualism of Zoroastrianism.

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The Secret History of the Magic Mushroom
The Skeleton Key to the Mysteries

Take a trip back in time and explore the ancient mysteries. Discover the role psychedelic mushroom played in ancient civilizations. Learn first-hand about the myths which spawned off all the great religions. See for the first time, ever revealed, secret symbolism on over 1000 ancient cave drawings, rock glyphs, coins, artifacts, plaques, engraving reliefs, alchemical and Christian art. Based on over 30 years of research into global conspiracies and drawing from over 100 reference books and 1000 citations, an entire secret history of civilization is uncovered, dealing with subjects such as: Ancient Aliens, Atlantis and Lemuria, Cults, Devils and Demons, Dragons and Dragon Lords, Earth Consciousness, Fairies and Elves, Giants, Gobekli Tepe, Goddess History, King Arthur & the Holy Grail, Medieval Dark Ages, Magic, Mind Control, Mushroom Mythology, Occult Symbolism, Plant Medicines, Psychedelics and Alternative Realities, Revolutions and Cultural Upheavals, Soma and Immortality, Child and Human Sacrifice, Patriarchal Destruction of the Matrilineal Societies, Roots of Religion, Philosopher Stone and Alchemy, Secret Societies, Sexual Politics, Shamanism, UFOs and Flying Saucers, Witch Trials and More. Find out how all these subjects are interrelated and connected to each other. Revealed for the first time ever in history, and all in one place, “the secrets they don’t want you to know.”

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