08/26/21 Thu. Kabul; Vax Mandate; Modern-Day Debate! JLP to Owen S.

3 years ago

0:00 Thu, Aug 26, 2021
1:35 Displace the Blame, Johnny Respect
4:24 Hey, guys!
6:26 Kabul incomplete news
8:30 DoD vaxx mandate
16:18 Exemptions
18:15 The War Dept (not DoD)
21:39 Modern-Day Debate
27:31 Killian, Boston, MA
44:58 Fred, MD
47:54 Liana, FL
1:07:05 Broken Homes, Johnny Respect
1:09:15 Music comments
1:10:15 Super Chat: Propaganda
1:14:34 OnlyFans gross
1:19:38 Nirvana gross
1:21:42 HR, anti-discrimination laws
1:23:25 Art, OH
1:35:43 Pfizer, Krispy Kreme
1:36:48 Jeremiah, LA
1:50:10 Samuel, Sweden
1:58:03 Dabbin, NM
1:54:48 Super Chats: JLP
1:57:04 Owen Shroyer, JLP
2:00:18 Thanks, all!
2:00:43 Desert Brawl, Vans in Japan

The Hake Report, Thursday, August 26, 2021: Kabul attacks (James didn't yet know it killed like 12+!) // DoD oppresses soldiers with vaxx mandates. EXEMPTIONS AVAILABLE! // James's Modern-Day Debate appearance // OnlyFans and Nirvana are evil and gross! // Clip from last Friday: JLP encourages Owen S. and everyone. // INTERESTING CALLS — see below!

MUSIC: Johnny Respect – "Displace the Blame" and "Broken Homes" – from 1998 album Life Ain't What It Used to Be

Also check out Hake News from today.

Killian from Boston, MA talks about the Kabul attacks before James knew U.S. soldiers died!
Fred from Maryland liked James's appearance on Modern-Day Debate, I think.
Liana from Florida talks about women and her father, then her work vaxx mandate!
Art from Ohio criticizes Liana, Kamala Harris, political doctors, and temp agency betas.
Jeremiah from Louisiana can't believe James respects slaves, but not Nat Turner. He reads.
Samuel from Sweden realized that expectations are a setup for anger.
Dabbin from New Mexico hopes for a Men's Conference in beautiful California!

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2021/8/26/082621-thu-kabul-vax-mandate-modern-day-debate-jlp-to-owen-s

Catch Hake's appearance on Modern-Day Debate: https://youtu.be/cAvFs2l9wWk

Hake is LIVE Monday through Friday 9 AM PT (11CT/12ET) Call-in: 888-775-3773 https://thehakereport.com/show


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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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