“Five Medieval and Renaissance Spanish Themes” by La Tablatura (AmberSky Classical Guitar)

2 years ago

La Tablatura’s beautiful “Medieval and Renaissance Spanish Themes” collection of music put to video visuals of Vincent Van Gogh’s “Beyond Van Gogh” art show in St. Louis, Missouri. While viewing this video, you will see still and impressive moving-art formations on display at the “Beyond Van Gogh” art show. The still and moving art photos/videos are some of Van Gogh’s landscapes, still portraits, and self portraits. This is a stunningly captivating art show. The art show has high tech technology that allows for amazing moving-art formations of van Gogh's masterpieces to come alive before the audience's very eyes. The Beyond Van Gogh art show has over 300 of Van Gogh’s masterpiece artworks on display, along with historical information on Van Gogh and famous quotes.

Dutch Post-Impressionist painter Vincent Willemm van Gogh (b.1853-d.1890) was born in the Netherlands. He did not become famous until after his death. He gained popularity during the 20th century and now Vincent Van Gogh is considered one of the most influential and known artists in today’s world. The “Beyond Van Gogh” art show is emotionally moving and gives the spectators an enchanting experience while viewing this innovative and magnificent art show. There is also historical information and quotes about the brilliant and creative life and times of Van Gogh. I hope you gain some of the insight into Van Gogh’s intense creativity and life experiences through watching this video.

A beautiful collection of the best of Spanish medieval and renaissance music arranged for guitar by La Tabulatura:

Rosas Das Rosas - Alfonso X (1221-1284)
Quen A Omagen - Alfonso X (1221-1284) – starts at approx. “.55”
Como Somos Per Consello - Alfonso X (1221-1284) – starts at approx. “1:51
Fantasía X - Alonso Mudarra (1510-1580) – starts at approx. - “2:57
Guárdame Las Vacas - Luis De Narváez (1500 -1552) – “5:08

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