Major Supermarket Chains Warn This Is The Worst Food Supply Shortage They've Ever Seen

3 years ago

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Major UK supermarkets are warning that the food supply shortages are the worst they have ever seen. The food supply chain has been disrupted by a lack of lorry drivers, and by a shortage of labour in general.

Steve Murrells, chief executive of the Co-operative Group, told the Times that they had significantly reduced the range of some products. He blamed Brexit and pandemic-related fallout.

The road haulage industry says there is currently a shortfall of around 90,000 drivers.

Meanwhile, the boss of frozen food retailer Iceland, Richard Walker, told the BBC that unless the problems are resolved now, it could affect the all-important Christmas supplies.

“The driver shortage is impacting the food supply chain on a daily basis and leading to shortages on the shelves,” Walker said.

“We’ve had deliveries cancelled for the first time since the pandemic began, about 30 to 40 deliveries a day.”

British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) yesterday also said that supplies of Christmas favourites like pigs-in-blankets could be affected.

Industry groups say that training for new drivers is taking months

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