Salesmanship part 4 - Give people MULTIPLE CHANCES to SAY NO to what you are offering.

10 years ago
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Most sales managers and coaches tell you to learn how to close the deal. Closing is so important, getting the deal is so important.

You need to make people feel COMFORTABLE walking away. You cannot pressure people into anything. They need to feel as if they can walk away without any bickering, any "oh come on!", any peer pressure, any crap.

Doing so will also demonstrate a lack of neediness on your part which will help establish a more level playing field. When you welcome people to walk away from a deal, when you welcome them to say no to something if it doesn't work, you will get to the core issues keeping them from saying yes much faster.

Good salesmen don't use peer pressure, condescension, and other sleazy tactics. They get to the root cause of why someone wants something, and the root cause of what is keeping them from taking action to get what they want. Empowering people to say no if something you propose doesn't make sense to them is a GREAT way to move past the crap and figure out what is keeping them from moving forward.

Real sales is NOT about BS as it is so often portrayed on TV, movies, & other media. REAL sales is about moving past BS so you can get down to business faster. Real salespeople exist in service to their customers.

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