A SOCE Therapist Responds to "Pray Away" - Part 1

3 years ago

As a therapist that works with men dealing with unwanted same-sex attraction, it was inevitable I would give a response to the new Netflix documentary, "Pray Away," which is touted as a "definitive documentary" on "conversion therapy." Though neither myself nor any of my colleagues use the term, our opponents would label us "conversion therapists" because we offer counseling to people struggling with their sexuality in a way that facilitates the potential for change. So, if you want to hear from someone who's worked for a former Exodus member ministry (as an intern and later therapist), attended Restored Hope Network conferences, read the books by all the major leaders in the field, gone to ministry trainings, attended NARTH (now Alliance for Therapeutic Choice & Scientific Integrity) conferences, and is being trained in authentic Reintegrative Therapy (the new version of Reparative Therapy) by Joe Nicolosi, Jr, this video is for you. I'm splitting my commentary into two parts. Part 1 will focus on the real agenda against Christianity behind the "conversion therapy" attacks, how other Christians fall for the propaganda, the misleading terms used in the film, and addressing Michael Busse's criticisms of the psychology involved in ex-gay counseling.

#PrayAway #Netflix #Exodus #ConversionTherapy #SOCE #ReparativeTherapy #ReintegrativeTherapy #RestoredHopeNetwork #FreedomMarch #Changed #ExGay #ExExGay #ExGaySurvivors #Homosexuality #LGBT #Transgender

Part 1: https://youtu.be/xvkWUoEpKkA

Black, Stephen. (2017). Freedom Realized: Finding Freedom from Homosexuality and Living a Life Free from Labels.
Stephen Black's 8/13/21 video commentary on Pray Away: https://youtu.be/Cftx0GFNsWs
Stephen Black and First Stone Ministries Panel Discussion on Pray Away: https://youtu.be/Hkzmex74o0o
Becket Cook's video response to Pray Away: https://youtu.be/8do7KS_G1PU
and his The Gospel Coalition article: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/netflix-pray-away/
Jones, Stanton L., & Yarhouse, Mark A. (2007). Ex-Gays?: A Longitudinal Study of Religiously Mediated Change in Sexual Orientation.
Sean McDowell's Interview with George Yancey on the Difference Between Conservative and Progressive Christianity: https://youtu.be/BoTim3-j7d8
Anne Paulk, Joe Dallas, and Elizabeth Woning's Response to Pray Away
Part 1 (primarily their backgrounds): https://youtu.be/jZDeCtQE7tw
Part 2 (commentary): https://youtu.be/KN8Zg5NPqWc
Part 3 (commentary): https://youtu.be/fz40Y_ZOxVk
Samuel Perez interview with Jeffrey McCall about Pray Away: https://youtu.be/WeU_JatkVfg
Samuel Perez's experience with Exodus: https://youtu.be/5a-khxTJThc
Stolakis, Kristine (director). (2021). Pray Away. Netflix Original Documentary.

For further learning, check out these videos by me:
The Gay Agenda IS Real: https://youtu.be/RFcla9tW49Q
The Gay Agenda IS Coming for Your Children: https://youtu.be/3p0A6fWs5qs
The Gay Agenda Is the Antichrist's Agenda: https://youtu.be/jEUsZVK245s
Fight the Sexual Revolution, Win a DVD of "In His Image": https://youtu.be/QJkRryiuSGY
4 Different Views in the Church on Homosexuality: https://youtu.be/SDGkLPWBKbo
Addressing Deconstruction and Pro-Gay Revisionist Theology by Commenting on Manwell Reyes: https://youtu.be/S1NOZOHyISI
Holding to Integrity through Truth rather than Unity through Fear (regarding LGBT issues in the church): https://youtu.be/PTvd0lyhIzk
The History and Overview of Counseling for Same-Sex Attraction (SSA): https://youtu.be/g31Dn0DSQuM
The Various Therapy Approaches for SSA part 1: https://youtu.be/tpPxnCBvyJg
part 2: https://youtu.be/WAK_B_g6ufM
The Truth about Ex-Gay Ministries: https://youtu.be/kft1vFGMtfM
The Truth about "Conversion Therapy" (SOCE therapy or SAFE-T): https://youtu.be/6_MzVzEiCFg
My Playlist on Conversion Therapy Myths & Misunderstandings: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAyCJnSE2gfpxzyiKNAfm4nsoQa-3D1nq
Using Nicolosi's Developmental Model to Understand the Homosexuality of Aaron Hernandez: https://youtu.be/0BJ_J6GqSII
Government-Backed LGBT Tyranny against Ex-Gays: https://youtu.be/P27ZxTVjw3M
Restored Hope Network Censored: https://youtu.be/ZJ-PTCwfYqc

For documentaries that show the other side of this issue, check out:
Such Were Some of You: https://youtu.be/VKSFPdyH8x4
In His Image: https://youtu.be/W3YKpnrzmqc
Censored (about professional therapy for SSA, called migration therapies in the video): https://youtu.be/eOMDhEssstw
Free to Love (about Reintegrative Therapy): https://youtu.be/13NSt9ohgL4

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