Justin Trudeau wishing happy ramadan. (criticism) Burning churches trampeld Christianity.

2 years ago

Justin Trudeau wished the islamic community in Canada and all over the world happy ramadan yesterday, which of course is fine happy ramadan from me aswell for all i care! Funny however was how he praised islamic values, which in my view is rather amusing considering how he always speaks of protecting the LGBTQIA+ community. Say what you will the LGBT people have no good standing in the islamic world. Also it is weird to hear those praises considering how little protection he granted the christian chruches last year, when one after the other was burned to the ground. He "condemned" it, but wasn't acting acordingly. Maybe we'll buy some cameras, was more or less the official statement, which of course would have been pretty useless to protect from arsen but the funds wern't allocated anyhow. Also many chrisian pastors were arrested last year, for wanting to hold church service. Considering all these actions, his words once again ring empty and poisonous.

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