ARTIST FEATURE: Lacy JO - What does learning to "pivot" mean to you?

2 years ago

On the eastern plains of Colorado, Lacy Jo, grew up in a farming and ranching family raising cattle and horses. There is no place she loves more than the open space of their ranch. With much of her family being professional cowboys she naturally fell deep in love with the Cowboy life style. Though her roots run deep in Country, lacy jo doesn’t like to pigeon hole herself into one genre. For her music is more about writing from the heart, “right now my job isn’t to write music that fits into a category, my job is to write whats honest and true, I am not worried about the rest.” From the very beginning she has had one focus and mission: to inspire and encourage. Through her music she hopes to reassure others that they are not alone in their battles and reaching for and attaining the "Big Dream" is possible for everyone, even a small town girl.


#countrymusic #radio #Christiantalk

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