Global Government HERE! Agenda 2030, TTIP, TPA, & TPP 2015

2 years ago

The elite are making a major move towards a one world government, AKA the New World Order. This is beyond conspiracy theory now, it is a reality.


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In true D.C. form, a series of acronyms regarding trade have erupted onto center stage. Although it seems these terms just popped onto the scene, the efforts behind each have been ongoing for several years.


The Trade Promotion Authority (“TPA”), also known as the “fast track negotiating authority,” passed Congress and was signed by President Obama on June 2015.

TPA was initially enacted in 1974 with renewals occurring in 2002 and recently in 2015, during the Ford, Bush, and Obama presidencies. TPA grants the President authority to handle international trade agreements, but it also establishes detailed objectives the Executive Branch is expected to follow during trade talks.
Congress is responsible for setting these high-standard objectives, as well as being the final authority on whether the legislation is actually implemented.

It is argued that TPA is necessary to finalize agreements and assure other countries involved in negotiations with the U.S. that whatever agreement is settled at the negotiations table will not unravel during the Congressional process. Bipartisan objectives are outlined in TPA, which enable a level of consensus when U.S. negotiators conduct trade talks and help the agreement reach implementation in the U.S. Under TPA, Congress has the ability to either approve or disapprove the proposed agreement entirely, with no opportunity to add amendments or filibuster.


The Trans-Pacific Partnership (“TPP”) aims to lessen trade barriers amongst a group of twelve Pacific Rim countries: Australia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Vietnam, Chile, Brunei, Singapore, New Zealand, and the United States. Together, these nations represent nearly 40 percent of global GDP.

TPP talks began as early as 2008 with a finalized agreement on the text for the deal occurring on October 5, 2015. The deal contains 30 chapters which cover areas ranging from the environment to intellectual property.

TPP’s stated goals are to “promote economic growth; support the creation and retention of jobs; enhance innovation, productivity and competitiveness; raise living standards; reduce poverty in our countries; and promote transparency, good governance, and enhanced labor and environmental protections.” Although these aims present positive opportunities for our economy, there are also some concerns with certain provisions within the agreement.

Before TPP can become binding on the parties involved, all 12 nations must ratify the agreement through their respective legislative processes within a two-year period
(an alternative option comes into play if the two-year deadline is not met). The U.S. has a very detailed process before implementation can take place with Congress having final authority on the fate of TPP.


Unlike TPP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (“TTIP”) is still at the negotiation stage. TTIP is an agreement involving the United States and the 28 countries forming the European Union. Together, the U.S. and E.U. make up 60 percent of global GDP.

Discussion of a trade agreement with the E.U. began as far back as the 1990s, but a more official discussion began around 2011 with the creation of a high-level working group.
The high-level working group submitted its conclusions for a trade deal on February 11, 2013.
The following day, during his State of the Union Address, President Obama endorsed the trade pact with the E.U. By February 13, 2013, U.S. and E.U.
officials announced the launching of formal talks on a free-trade agreement with an aim to start negotiations by June of 2013.

Following public outcry against secretive, backroom negotiations and subsequent rejection by the European Parliament of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (“ACTA”) in 2012 and the Snowden revelations in the summer of 2013, E.U.
Trade Chief Cecilia Malmström made specific efforts to implement a TTIP transparency initiative in November 2014 in
order to calm fears from a very wary and suspicious public. Similar efforts have been put out by the U.S. government regarding transparency.

Trade Promotion Authority (Fast-Track)
The United States is currently negotiating two major trade deals. The Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, and the Transatlantic Trade Investment Partnership, or TTIP. Although the deals are negotiated by the President, only Congress has the authority to make the changes to law that the deals could require.

David J. Fred/Wikimedia Commons
Trade Promotion Authority, or TPA, would “fast-track” the TPP and TTIP once they are finalized.
This means that Congress will consider the deals without the opportunity for senators to filibuster or for members of either chamber to propose an amendment. It will be an up-or-down vote.

Senate Votes
First Vote (with TAA)
TPA had passed the Senate, back on May 22, 62-to-37 in a vote that combined the TPA with the TAA (see below) in a bill called the Trade Act, H.R. 1314. The vote was mostly along party lines, with Republicans backing President Obama’s goals for a trade deal.

May 22, 2015. Senate Vote #193.
Five Republican senators voted against, including Sen. Rand Paul (KY) and Sen. Jeff Sessions (AL). Fourteen Democratic senators voted in favor, including Sen. Patty Murray (WA), Sen. Benjamin Cardin (MD), and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA).
(The Senate fast-tracked the TPA itself. It co-opted H.R. 1314, a bill previously about tax-exempt organizations, and replaced the text of the bill in whole with the TPA and the TAA (see below), calling the new bill the Trade Act. So you may see the title of the vote may reflect the bill’s original subject in some places.)
Second Vote (without TAA)
After receiving from the House a new bill with TPA alone, the Senate passed cloture 60-to-37, on June 23, paving the way for a final up-or-down Senate vote on TPA.

Senate Vote #218, June 23, 2015
Senators Cardin (D-MD) and Cruz (R-TX) changed their votes from Yea to Nay compared to the previous vote that combined TPA and TAA.
The new bill became the vehicle for passage of TPA. The bill was initially about the retirement funds of federal law enforcement officers and firefighters. The bill the Senate passed combined those provisions with the TPA.
House Votes
The House voted on TPA twice. The first time was after the Senate had given the House a bill that combined the TPA and the TAA (see below) into the Trade Act, H.R. 1314. The House took the unusual route of voting on the two parts separately on June 12.

H.R. 1314 (114th): Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015

Jun 12, 2015. House Vote #362.
The TPA initially passed the House 219-to-211. As in the Senate, the House vote was predominantly along party lines, with Republicans supporting the President’s trade deal.
The TPA was only “Title 1,” meaning the first part, of the Trade Act. Because the House did not pass the remainder of the bill (Title 2, which is the TAA, see below), this bill could not move forward.
The House voted on, and passed, TPA again on June 18 in a stand-alone bill without TAA. The vote was virtually identical to the previous week’s TPA vote with one exception: Rep. Ted Yoho (R, FL-3), who spoke harshly against the TPA in a statement last week, voted in favor of it this second time. (See our coverage of the second vote.)

House Vote #374, June 18, 2015
House leaders separated the TPA from the TAA by moving TPA into H.R. 2146, a bill about the retirement funds of federal law enforcement officers and firefighters. The old provisions of the bill were retained when TPA was added to the end of this bill. This combined bill went to the Senate (see above).
(In fact, it went back to the Senate. H.R. 2146 had previous passed the House and the Senate, but the Senate passed it with a technical change — see our summary. Rather than concurring in the Senate’s technical change, the House added TPA.)
More on the TPA
The TPA would grant the President the authority to enter into trade agreements with foreign nations. It includes a list of negotiating objectives which these trade agreements should work towards. To maintain Congressional oversight,
it would mandate that during the process of trade negotiations the United States Trade Representative (USTR) must meet with and provide access to classified or important documents at the request of any Member of Congress.
The USTR would also be required to consult with any member of Congress that chooses to be designated a Congressional Adviser on Trade Policy and Negotiations.

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