Is alone time worth the mom guilt?

2 years ago

Do you ever feel like those few minutes of technically-alone-time aren’t worth it, compared to the mess you’re going to face as soon as you reappear?

Today’s episode is all about what to do when that happens.

Aka, how to deal when you’re trading time for mom guilt – and what to do about it.

Get ready for some serious mindset upleveling!

What you’ll learn:
• The real reason for alone time
• What your kids are getting out of this arrangement
• How to journal out any mom guilt you’re feeling

Whatever you need, you’re allowed to make it happen. Because it’s going to be better for them, not just for you.

A happier, more present mom – kids who got a break from each other – a less stressed, rushed home. What’s not to approve of?

Go grab your scheduler and take a look at today. Where can you fit in some whole-house-recharge time this afternoon?

Pencil it in and make it happen. You both win.

You’ve got this!

Routines for introverted moms:

Do you need some a lot of white space in your calendar?
Watch your on-demand class:

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