Why you need to stop taking responsibility for other people’s stuff

2 years ago

Q: Want to know the fastest way to reduce your tidy-up responsibilities?
A: Stop picking up everyone else’s stuff!

No, I’m serious. If you view a picked-up house as your responsibility, down to the last drawer in the kids’ bathroom, then your tidy-up duties are never going to end.

Now, on the other hand, if you train your school-age-and-up kids to put away their OWN things, then next time someone complains about the bathroom mess, you get to tell them, “Whose fault is it? Put away your share, and call your next sibling to do theirs!”

Because it’s not your fault. Or your problem.

(Unless you skip reminding them to do their own picking up, of course.)

So how can you retrain your brain to NOT straighten every last cushion and put away every single misplaced sock?

What you’ll learn:
• Why you can’t be the “stuff rescuer” for your kids
• How you’re letting your family drown out your simplified spaces (and what to do instead)
• How to quit the “family stuff manager” role

It’s time to make a sea change in your family’s (lack of) pickup duties.

To nudge them into good tidy-up habits by the simple expedient of refusing to do it for them any longer.

It’s time to start reminding, not tidying.

Watch what happens to your mental load as you release the pressure of being the sole person who picks up around the house.

You’ve got this!

Routines for introverted moms:

Are you exhausted from spending naptime cleaning up the house?
Watch your on-demand class: https://yourunbusylife.com/application/

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