Fallen shows perfect movement and aim!

2 years ago

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Best moments is the video where you find the best plays of the game with the best clips, best frags, csgo pro highlights, twitch highlights, with the best players in the world like coldzera, s1mple, device, stewie2k,kennys, niko, scream, fallen, симпл, zywoo, trk and much more.

Plays from the best tier 1 and tier 2 teams in the world such as MIBR, G2, Astralis, FURIA, NaVi, mousesports, fnatic, Vitality, NiP, Dignitas, EG, OG, 100 Thieves, Faze Clan, ENCE. I upload full csgo matches daily as soon as they are made, with the best players in the world like coldzera, s1mple, device, stewie2k, kennys, niko, scream, fallen, flusha, zywoo, trk, snax, krimz, Ex6TenZ, GuardiaN, olofmeister, f0rest, shox, GeT_RiGhT, Cadian, Stavn, nawwk, ropz, electronic.

I upload full csgo matches daily as soon as they are made, with the best players in the world like coldzera, s1mple, device, stewie2k, kennys, niko, scream, fallen, flusha, zywoo, trk, snax, krimz, Ex6TenZ, GuardiaN, olofmeister, f0rest, shox, GeT_RiGhT, Cadian, Stavn, nawwk, ropz, electronic,

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