Here’s what the productivity gurus aren’t telling you!

2 years ago

How many discarded planners are laying around your house right now?

And do you know what that number really means? It’s a list of all the time management ways that DIDN’T work for you.

So why don’t you ditch the guilt, toss those empty planners, and dive into what the time management industry ISN’T telling you?

‘Cause there’s something they don’t want you to know.

What you’ll learn:
• The heretical truth about the productivity industry
• The myth of the perfect planner
• Why you need to simplify your day, not get more productive

Delete the guilt. Delete the Pinterest-perfect meals. Delete the always-clean-bathrooms expectations.

Isn’t that feeling so much better than another 5am wakeup call or speed cleaning session?

Lean into your intuition, let things go, and don’t listen to those productivity experts.

They’re wrong anyways.

You’ve got this!

Routines for introverted moms:

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