The Dragon of Destitute vs The Collective Consciousness

2 years ago

You can't handle the truth, but ima give to you anyway. The key to ending most, if not all of humanities suffering is that person you stare at everyday in the mirror. Thanks to the mighty internet and an inquisitive mind I have discoverd the meaing of life. We are given physcial forms to test our spiritual nature. The ablitiy to truly connect with every aspect of our universe and impowered with the free will to destroy or preserve. "With great power comes great responsibility", this is the big secret. If we the people are ignornt of our great power we won't take responsibility. Their are entites that have chosen to go against our agreement or deal with the source of our universe. This cosmic deal is gauged by our soul and guided by our consciousness, with every major experience inscribed into our DNA. An ancient war between those who seek to destory and dominate vs those who defend innocences and liberty is ongoing unbenounced to most of humanity on earth. "The numbers don't lie", we the humans of earth have the oppurtunity to shift this ancient war for our souls, the question is, on which side will we end up?

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