Cuban Protests Refuted: Second Thought Debunked

3 years ago

The Cuban Protests has sparked numerous responses from socialists making up excuses trying to project the blame off onto the United States of America, I have debunked this argument before, but as was requested I decided to cover Second Thought on this argument.

Second Thought does go off on a tangent about the problems in the United States today regarding their incarceration problems, as well as stuff related to do with Israel, which his arguments even then are very one-sided, I decided to leave that irrelevant stuff out. Instead, like I have addressed previously, some of what I have stated overlaps into this argument on the Cuban protests.

Second Thought makes baseless claims about the protesters by simply translating signs they held and assumes that because the word 'revolution' is used, that this must mean they're protesting favourably for socialism and instead, targeting the U.S. for its embargo. Of course, it's a baseless assertion and far removed from the truth.

You can watch my initial video covering the Cuban protests explaining about the trade issues and why such shortages occurred here:

You can also check out Monolithic Ethos argument debunking communist myths of Cuban Democracy that illustrates their record of human rights violations:

As I have addressed before, the claims about the infant mortality rate, even his baseless claims about the literacy rate, this is even covered by Kristian Niemietz in his book _'Socialism: The Failed Idea That Never Dies.'_ As always, the likes of Second Thought parrot nonsense from the likes of Michael Moore, grow legs and run with it without looking further into detail, just like his baseless claims about exploitation, monopolies, waste, among other issues.

Bearing in mind, folk, this is the same Second Thought who wishes to pay people wages, have, apparently, a better system that is more affordable, but wishes to get rid of the private sector which leaves him with the printing press. This proves how embarrassingly economically illiterate he is, but expects you to take him seriously when he doesn't even comprehend or pay attention to what price ceilings cause. Like always, socialists like Second Thought will always seek a scapegoat and the most popular scapegoat they love to use is the United States of America.

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