What next for #RussoUkraine conflict? Okay, so Russia has given up on Kyiv,, now what?

2 years ago

What next for RussoUkraine conflict? The battle of Donbas will determine the Fate of the Ukraine Professional army and most hardcore fanatics.

Why Did Russia Abandon The Siege of Kyiv? FULL ANALYSIS by HistoryLegends and the basis of this video: https://youtu.be/GcPN_HsKDLU

Russia has given up on Kyiv, it was a stupid idea from the start. But now they are going to amass everything in Dombass and finish off Mariupol. Twitter and people who don't understand how wars work make it sound like Ukraine has somehow survived all this with no damage or problems of its own, which any student of history or war can tell you is nonsense.

Meanwhile, the Logistics situation in Ukraine is catastrophic.
Unless Ukraine is going to watch its people starve and perish of cold and thirst, it needs to get its own house back in order, fix powerlines, rebuild bridges, patch up roads, clear streets of debris and mines, and rebuild houses and a million other tasks etc. Russia meanwhile has none of these problems.

Russia is now looking to move its focus to obliterate Azov in Dombass rather than engage in pointless and wasteful small-scale attacks with overextended and vulnerable supply lines. Meanwhile, the Dombass region is firmly in the hands of Russia and Dombas Forces despite harassment from Ukrainian artillery. No more vulnerable supply columns for Territorial Defence Militias and local Partisans to strike. Frankly, it's what they should have done from the get-go.

If Russia can obliterate the Ukrainian Army in Donbas, that is 50,00 professional soldiers and AZOV fanatics, so you rip out the core of the NATO-trained Ukraine military forces with 8 years of combat experience. it will be a grinder but frankly, it will be much easier for Russia to sustain a slow advance village by village with heavy artillery and air cover in that area directly across the Russian/Ukraine border.

While i am not a fan of Coffe or Die Magazine, I think this article does a good job of showing the Ukrainian trench network and general situation, while also downplaying the fact this war is going on 13 km away from the Russian Border and Ukrainian forces regularly target the city of Donetsk instead of military positions. https://coffeeordie.com/ukraine-front-line/

The fight will be a bloody and vicious one, both sides are heavily entrenched after 8 years of low-intensity warfare. the Ukrainian forces in particular have a well-developed network of trenches and redoubts running through concrete basements and destroyed buildings. However, they have become used to a somewhat leisurely pace of stalemate there. with Russia especially done playing a game of fake war, you are going to see a massive increase in artillery and other heavy support assets that the Ukrainian forces will not be be able to do much against. I fully expect some truly apocalyptic artillery barrages to obliterate entire sections of the network in the following months.

Russia has far more power in terms of artillery and can continue to harass rear areas and logistics hubs with Missile and airstrikes. Russian forces have for the most part been fighting small-scale mobile warfare which was working against them in this defensive war against well-defended villages and cities. But that was mostly the work of the Militiamen and Partisans disrupting supply lines which will no longer be a short easy run away from the local village they lived in. Good luck getting those same local defence units to perform large coordinates offensive to take back the areas Russia has decided to hold into as Ukraine will now be dealing with the same problems and complexities Russia had to during its won failed attacks.
UA was unable to break Dombass after 8 years and now it's officially claimed by Russia and has a real army there as well.

The Pile of Ukrainian Bodies is going to start getting much bigger if they futilely attempt to take it back. Meanwhile, Russia can continue to disrupt Ukraine's already mauled logistics while its troops pull back and artillery makes advance into areas Russia will not retreat from extremely deadly for any large push. Ukraine already tried an armoured thrust into Mariupol and it got decimated by Artillery.

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