09/03/21 Fri. Antifa! Manning vs Greenwald; Military; Woman's Choice

3 years ago

0:00:00 Fri, Sep 3, 2021
0:01:28 Knights of the New Crusade
0:03:20 Hey, guys!
0:06:11 4 years of Hake!
0:09:08 Antifa stabby guy arrested
0:22:38 'Chelsea' Manning nuts
0:31:04 Samuel, Sweden: Based trees
0:35:48 William, CA: blacks
0:38:01 Dep Sec Def Kathleen Hicks
0:49:02 Rick, ME
0:53:25 Ian, Martinez, CA
1:01:35 Jerusalem, TKOTNC
1:03:45 Glenn Greenwald
1:07:54 Rich, Fresno, CA
1:15:42 Super: So good, lolbertarians
1:19:29 Chuck, Detroit, MI
1:26:30 Women against babies
1:38:43 Social Pariah, CO
1:42:38 Joe, Phoenix, AZ
1:52:35 Super Chats: Chuck or Tony
1:53:47 Louis, ID
1:56:02 Rick, Hampton, VA
2:00:04 Dangers of Dating, KOTNC

The Hake Report, Friday, September 3, 2021: Antifa guy Eric Cohen arrested in stabbing of Latino anti-vaxx protester. // Bradley 'Chelsea' Manning trips and betrays journalist Glenn Greenwald. // 'Racism' in military court marshals! — per Dep Def Sec Dr. Kathleen Hicks in a badly written op-ed. // Women horrified at the thought of having babies, per new Texas law! // INTERESTING CALLS — see below. //

MUSIC: The Knights of the New Crusade – "The Knights of the New Crusade," "Jerusalem," and "Dangers of Dating" – from 2004 album My God Is Alive! Sorry About Yours!

Also check out Hake News from today.

Samuel from Sweden takes inspiration from trees that grow in any condition!
William from California is upset at the SJW mess in the military.
Rick from Maine is also upset at the disrespect for the military from within "leadership."
Ian from Martinez, CA says Marines beat co-ed Army. Cops made him put his flag away!
Rich from Fresno, CA asks about evil versus incompetence
Chuck from Detroit, MI acts extra malicious today.
Social Pariah from Colorado asks about confronting offenders, and also hides from the sun.
Joe from Phoenix, AZ quotes from Tom Sawyer about the N-word being "dehumanizing."
Louis from Idaho talks about "cafeteria Catholic" Joe Biden who's "pro-choice."
Rick from Hampton, VA talks about the politicization of medicine by the establishment.

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2021/9/3/090321-fri-antifa-manning-vs-greenwald-military-womans-choice

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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