Ignoring Unlawful Orders. Intimidation Fail. Tucks Tail. Broward County Sheriff. Weston. Florida.

3 years ago

This was on Friday December 3rd 2021 at approximately 10:17, outside of the Broward County Sheriff's Department in Weston Florida. I was there with Open Government Investigations we were there checking the county vehicles for any violations. The first half of the interaction was very good and surprisingly professional. It took a deputy to get triggered over me walking through "their" back parking lot that he claimed was a secure area. (If you want to get right to the "action" please skip to the 12:33 mark). I had a back and forth with this tyrannical deputy that also put his hand on his gun while telling me to get out of the parking lot. He kept trying to take control of the situation but I was not letting him do that. Please let me know what you think of the interaction in the comment section down below. There will be much more content coming in the next few weeks. Donations are happily and humbly accepted, which will be going right towards attorneys fees and or getting me back on the road to bring you much more content. Much love, respect and appreciation!!!

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