"Give Your Info... Name And Date Of Birth". ID Refusal. Venice Police Florida.

3 years ago

This was on Monday December 20th 2021, at approximately 16:32, outside of the Venice water reclamation facility, in Venice, Florida. I was on scene with Open Government Investigations. We were approached by the owner of the construction company next door. They Wanted to know what we were doing down the street from their business because trucks have been stolen from their business. They called the police on us yes for being suspicious. We were approached by many Is employees of the water reclamation facility and they were extremely nice, some being supporters and others giving us water. Please let me know what you think of the interaction in the comment section down below. All donations are happily and humbly accepted and will be going towards legal fees and getting me back on the road to bring you more content on a consistent basis. Much love, respect and appreciation!!!

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