"I Don't Answer Questions" BIG EGO Cop Can't Help Himself. Auburndale Police Florida.

3 years ago

This was on Wednesday February 2nd 2022 at approximately 11:05, outside of the Duke Energy power plant, in Auburndale, Florida. We were in the area and decided to stop at this power plant how big the facility was. We were approached by a couple of the power plant workers within a couple minutes.They came out and asked us one question, we didn't answer and they called the police. The police showed up and the sergeant seemed to know what we were doing but could not help himself. He still ended up showing his big ego tyrannical ways. This is evident because he said he knew what we were doing and who we were. Yet he still copped attitude towards us. Let me know what you think of this interaction in the comment section down below. All the donations are happily and humble accepted. Much love, respect and appreciation!!!

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