"I'll Make You Stop". EGO CHECK. PUTTING COPS IN THEIR PLACE. Belleair Police. Florida.

3 years ago

This was on Wednesday February 2nd 2022 at approximately 8:11, outside of the Belleair police station in Belleair Florida.I was on scene with Open Government Investigations and Clearwater Tyrant Hunter as we drove by and witnessed some officers out back. We checked the perimeter of the police department and came back around to where these officers were standing. They were there chatting with a person from the public and that person's dog. The person they were with seemed to throw comments out to us like he wanted a problem. The female officer came off extremely unprofessional and rude until I put her in her place. Let me know what you think of the interactions in the comment section down below!!!! All donations are happily and humbly accepted!!!! Much love, respect and appreciation!!!

**UnCen** "I'll Make You Stop". EGO CHECK. PUTTING COPS IN THEIR PLACE. Belleair Police. Florida: https://odysee.com/@MassAccountability:a/InShot_20220208_124906974:b

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