"This Is Homeland Security Property". Tough Guys Get Put In Check. St. Petersburg Florida.

3 years ago

This was on Wednesday February 9th 2022, outside of the St. Petersburg water resource facility in St. Petersburg Florida. I was there with Open Government Investigations and we were going to do public records request. Within 5 minutes we were approached by a very uneducated security security guard. A couple minutes later one of his buddies approached us tapproach us telling us that we were trust passing on homeland security property. Soon after that a whole group of people came out and were giving us cambacks. They eventually called the police, who took quite a bit of time to get there, since their police department is right across the street. The interactions I had with the security and other employees was very intense. Please let me know what you think of these interactions in the comments section down below. If you want uncensored and add free videos go subscribe to my Odysee channel. All donations are happily and humbly accepted!!! Much love, respect and appreciation!!!

**UnCen** "This Is Homeland Security Property". Tough Guys Get Put In Check. St. Petersburg Florida: https://odysee.com/@MassAccountability:a/uncensoredstpete:9

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