Paul Washer Shocking Sermon Must Hear

2 years ago

Here is the sermon Paul Washer gave at a youth conference that was shocking and disturbing to thousands of Christians. Why? Because he told them that even though they prayed the “sinner’s prayer,” they still might not be saved.

Paul is confronting the way most American Christians try to bring people to Jesus: get ‘um to a church service or crusade, have ‘um walk down the aisle, make ‘um recite a certain prayer, then tell ‘um they’re good to go. Even if their lives look exactly the same after that experience as they did before.

To illustrate the difference Christ should make in a person’s life, he gives an example of being late for an appointment, and trying to use an excuse that you were run over by a 30-ton logging truck in the middle of the highway. If you said that, it would make you a liar or a madman. He says, “It is impossible to have an encounter with something as large as a logging truck and not be changed. My question to you is this: what is larger, a logging truck or God?”

It’s a message that will challenge you to examine the basis of your salvation: a magic incantation you recited at one point in your life, or an ongoing relationship with God that brings continual transformation?

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