Could rapture happen after the mark of the beast?

2 years ago

DO NOT be afraid. Stay strong in the LORD and in the power of His Might. This video is meant to encourage diving into the word yourself and getting the comfort of the scriptures in your heart so you are fully prepared for any eventuality.

Could rapture happens after the mark of the beast? At least for many, it appears so. I based this on the letters to the churches where some were told they will go into great tribulation because they permitted certain vices in the church and others told they would be spared because they stood firm against evil. Some are ready, some are not. Also, the references in Daniel 7:25 and Rev 13:7 specifically stating the antichrist wears out and overcomes the saints for a 3 and 1/2 year time period. I do not believe it is appointed only to the "after rapture" saints but I could be and hope to be wrong. So my warning is not to the faithful but to those that have drifted. Come back to your senses and be converted. Yes, even some believers need be converted back to their first love. Lets just obey what the Spirit is saying to the churches so we can be found faithful, as it says, the bride has made herself ready. IF I am correct, you will be prepared and if the pre trib doctrine is correct, I will be very happy, but to me, the plain reading of the text speaks otherwise. I don't want you to agree with me but to seek the LORD and meditate on the scriptures and come to your own conclusion and faith. But to me, Jesus said "he who loves his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it". Jesus said, some of you will be put to death. Not all, but some, but in Revelation, that some, appears to be a large sum. Let's just not close our eyes to what we see around us. If this madman world order comes to be, it will be hell on earth for the righteous UNTIL judgement is given to the saints that could be a long as 3-1/5 years if Daniel 7:25 and Rev 13:7 are referring to the antichrist reign, which the plain reading of the text clearly indicates.

And NOW, the Glorious Gospel!
Yeshua (Jesus) literally means salvation in Hebrew.

He is your ticket to freedom, peace and bypassing the final judgment. Will you accept the simple good news gospel gift? This gospel proclaims Jesus' death on the cross is payment in FULL for the sin of those who believe in him and his resurrection from the dead. This is proof of your justification and confidence in His power. This is where faith comes in. If you can believe this simple message and declare by faith that Jesus is LORD, thereby yielding your life to his will and not your own, you WILL be saved. Be sure to join a bible living church, read your bible and talk to your heavenly father every day and never trust in your goodness for your standing with God, but instead trust in His goodness, because he loved you and took your punishment for you so that you could go free as a good good father would do! He gave ALL he could give so NOW, its up to you! What will you do?

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