Nobody's Home

2 years ago

I guess this burbled up from my subconscious. The song itself came out whole, birthed in one take singing and playing keyboards recorded on my iPhone Memo recorder. A month later I listened and decided to figure out the.chords and melody, kinda like a transcription. I also tried to figure out what it meant. Was it about the "normies" who seem to have lost their bearings? the lifting of the veil? I went into the studio and put down the keyboard part after I "learned" it from my scratch recording, then learned the vocal melody and words line by line and recorded the first take, tracked what was there. I'd call this song "channeled" .I did the video yesterday, playing dress up wearing my wedding dress from my marriage to Nik Green, who passed away March 13, 2016. We were married 22 years, together for 25. I found empty street footage from the lockdowns, and other "symbolic" footage representing hope - the lion and the lamb in the clouds, the closed doors opening to Light, the Veil, and the deep, deep sadness and longing . . .

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