Tennessee Whitetails - 2 Bucks 1 Blind

3 years ago

Team Member Josh Christensen takes his wife, Taylor, gun hunting in Tennessee. Taylor was able to take two awesome Tenneessee bucks out of the same blind. The first buck was with her muzzleloader, then a week later she made an awesome long-range shot with a .243 to take out their target10 pointer.

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Prime Archery: https://www.g5prime.com/​
Real World Wildlife Products: https://www.realworldwildlifeproducts​...
Lone Wolf Treestands: https://www.lonewolfhuntingproducts.com/​
onX Hunt: https://www.onxmaps.com/​
LaCrosse Footwear: https://www.lacrossefootwear.com/​
Green Mountain Grills: https://greenmountaingrills.com/​
Tactacam: https://www.tactacam.com/

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