Penile Melanosis: A Not-So-Serious Penis Discoloration Every Man Should Know About

2 years ago

How many times must a man look at his penis each day? Probably a lot, right? In addition to just being part of everyday function, a man should always be aware of the condition of his mister. This means lumps, bumps, scratches, and yes, changes in coloration. When a man notices he has a discolored penis, meaning one that is no longer in part, the same color, he may get anxious. He may panic and think the worse. While there are many reasons a man may experience penis discoloration, one that is not as well-known is penile melanosis. A harmless condition, penile melanosis, is described as small dark patches of skin on the penis. It is hyperpigmentation, which happens when melanin forms on the surface of the skin. It can also be known as penile lentiginosis. The spots can occur anywhere on the penis, from the head to the shaft. It's not dangerous or infectious and doesn't need treatment of any kind.

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