Your Stolen Money By the Federal Reserve

2 years ago

Hear insightful, accurate, information about your money and predictions about the economy. Mr. Badnarik often states that he would rather not write about the economy because the outlook is so depressing. After reading Creature from Jekyll Island, he has been warning people about the Federal Reserve, and has predicted a complete failure of our economy for nearly fifteen years. Now it is here. How will you navigate the crunch, prepare for the crunch, and come out alright?

Speaker Mr. Michael Badnarik-
If we don’t study history, we are doomed to repeat it. Knowledge is not just power – knowledge is survival – and Michael has much to share. Considered a master of all trades, Michael teaches a wide variety of subjects including the Constitution, Philosophy, Science, Astronomy, Cooking, Skydiving, and so much more.

Learn more and see the erudite books Mr. Badnarik has authored--

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