Seek the lord early/search, ponder, and pray/I know my father lives-Larry R. Beebe

2 years ago

Music: “Seek the lord early,” “Search, ponder, and pray,” and “I know my father lives.”

Arranged by: Larry R. Beebe

Played by: Hudson Halling


“Seek the lord early:”

I’ll seek the Lord early while in my youth,
And he will help me to know the truth.
I’ll search the scriptures and find him there,
Then go to our Father in fervent prayer.
I’ll seek the Lord early, and I’ll obey
His living prophets in all they say.
I’ll keep his commandments; his love will abound.
I will seek the Lord early, and he will be found.

Words and music: Joanne Bushman Doxey, b. 1932. © 1984 IRI

Doctrine and Covenants 88:63
Isaiah 55:6
Psalm 63:1

“Search ponder and pray:”

1. I love to read the holy scriptures,
And, ev’ry time I do,
I feel the Spirit start to grow within my heart-
A testimony that they’re true.
Search, ponder, and pray
Are the things that I must do.
The Spirit will guide, and, deep inside,
I’ll know the scriptures are true.
2. So, prayerfully I’ll read the scriptures
Each day my whole life through.
I’ll come to understand.
I’ll heed the Lord’s command
And live as he would have me do.
Search, ponder, and pray
Are the things that I must do.
The Spirit will guide, and, deep inside,
I’ll know the scriptures are true.

Words: Jaclyn Thomas Milne, b. 1949. © 1986 IRI

Music: Carol Baker Black, b. 1951. © 1986 IRI

2 Nephi 4:15
Mosiah 1:6–7

“I know my father lives:”

1. I know my Father lives and loves me too.
The Spirit whispers this to me and tells me it is true,
And tells me it is true.
2. He sent me here to earth, by faith to live his plan.
The Spirit whispers this to me and tells me that I can,
And tells me that I can.

Text and music: Reid N. Nibley, b. 1923. © 1969 IRI
Moroni 10:5
Abraham 3:22–28

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