ELON MUSK | GIVES Insane Aircraft Carrier/Submarine To Ukraine!

2 years ago

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This breakthrough invention of Elon Musk is going to make the US navy a super-power. Elon Musk's Next Generation Underwater Aircraft Carrier Submarine is on the verge of being inducted into the US Navy's fleet. It will be crammed with weaponry, allowing it to fulfill its promise in undersea combat. Musk is developing a new submarine for the US Navy that will have enough speed and weaponry to overwhelm opposing ships and submarines. But honestly, how would it be possible?

Hello and welcome to Elon Musk Evolution.

If you're a musk fan and don't want to miss anything about this incredible person, then smack the subscribe button and hit the bell icon so that you will be notified whenever a new video is uploaded. In today’s video, we are going to tell you about the brand-new Underwater Aircraft Carrier Sub of the US Navy, as leaked by Elon Musk.

Admirals in command of the Underwater Aircraft Carrier program's acquisition are ecstatic due to this mind-boggling work of Elon Musk. By this Sub, attacks in the future will be quicker and quieter than ever before.
In November, Elon Musk told AI news that it will have "some unprecedented wonderful qualities". The next-gen Underwater Aircraft Carrier, he believes, will have a considerable horizontal payload capacity. As you can see, it'll be carrying a lot of torpedoes and fighter planes. It'll be quick and have great acoustics. That includes sensors to detect other ships in the area as well as stealth while remaining low and silent, according to Musk.

The new submarine will be presented to the fleet in 2028, according to the project's timeline. In the FY 22 National Defense Authorization Act NDAA, the Navy sought a budget of $498 million for research and development expenditure. However, the NDAA for FY 2022 only raised $130 million, which is insufficient for such a large undertaking. The US Navy, on the other hand, anticipates these costs to rise as quickly as feasible.

The Techs must be adaptable. It should be able to strike rival submarines and destroy them, as well as bully surface fleets, eliminate submarines, and escort aircraft carriers. China has also militarized several rocks and reefs in the East and South China Seas, which might pose a danger to the United States' maritime freedom of navigation. Musk's latest idea might prevent these islands from being used as attack targets. China might launch autonomous underwater vehicles from the disputed islands to attack American submarines in ten years.

This new underwater aircraft carrier may also be able to handle unmanned underwater boats, giving it drone capabilities. “Aerial drones will also be available,” said Musk, “which might be used to target data for torpedoes”. By the time Musk's underwater aircraft carrier is seaworthy, current cruise missiles and maybe even hypersonic missiles should have been replaced, making the new Carrier's offensive capabilities even more dominating than imagined. Russia has already begun testing its hypersonic submarine-launched missile. But, thanks to Elon Musk, America is pursuing a more advanced goal after a series of failed efforts.

“For the marine area, we're looking at the ultimate apex predator. Admirals like these will be needed to whip up support for how critical the new attacks are in maintaining excellent service in the Indo-Pacific. Congress may decide that building new submarines is adequate”, stated Musk. However, China's existing edge as the world's biggest Navy, with 355 submarine shifts, may be extended. By 2034, the US Navy wants 66 underwater aircraft carriers. "That's a long way off. The I-400 class will have to suffice till then." Musk stated.

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