Talking about UFOs n Shit

3 years ago

I have always wanted to talk about UFOs on camera and today was my chance, so bloody exciting lol. Rohan and I had a good long chat covering everything from the UFO conspiracies, alien technology, the 'it's too far' argument, and UFOs as a social phenomena.

If you enjoy this conversation, please like and subscribe, thank you.

If you would like to talk, or take part in one of our chats, please contact me, or Rohan.

I couldn't find a the documentary on YouTube i spoke of, it exists, so as a taste if you are not aware of the Ruwa, Zimbabwe, school landing case. Listen to this clip involving James Fox, Dr Jacque Vallee and Joe Rogan. Trust me, it is a good a UFO story there is, genuinely fascinating.

Picture for thumbnail was drawn by one of the kids who witnessed the landing.

Same time next week, Transhumanism :)

Contact Darren:

Twitter: Darren of Plymouth

Contact Rohan:

Twitter: @Navvie420

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