3 years ago

Mike teaches today. 09/11/2021

The Gospel according to John the Evangelist (second lesson)

VERSES: Psalm 36:9; Luke 12; Malachi 3:1; John 17:11,21; 1st John 3:16



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Verses 6-8 “There was a man sent from God, whose name was John (John the Baptist, the son of Zacharias and Elisabeth). The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light (the truth-Giver who will give men intelligence/light and take them out of illusionary darkness into His Life - Psalm 36:9) …that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, (some had believed that John the baptizer was Messiah) but was sent to bear witness of that Light.” John the Apostle was speaking here of John the Baptist, as well as everywhere else in the Gospel where the name John is mentioned. John was Christ’s appointed forerunner according to the great calling foreseen in the Old Testament. (“Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me…” Malachi 3:1a). It is therefore quite understandable that John the Baptist would so soon be mentioned after John the Apostle’s statement of Christ’s Deity, in that the Baptist was to be the appointed first witness to that Deity. Mark and Luke also introduce John the Baptist early on in their gospels. John the Baptist bore witness that he was not that Light leading to Life that was to come into the World, but that he was to bear witness of Him Who was the uncreated Light and giver of Life, now to be manifest.

John the Baptist, according to Christ’s own testimony, was that ‘burning’ (passionate) and shining (temporary) light of illumination to come first unto Israel; meaning that he was to direct Israelites hearts towards the promised Christ the King and His Kingdom. This is to say, the Lord’s ministry on the Earth was not to be to the unsaved pagan world, but to the “lost sheep of Israel”. (Matthew 10:6; 15:24) Israel was awakened by John the Baptist’s merciful and instructive message, and being moved by faith, they rejoiced in his light for a short season. (John 5:35) But Christ, bearing witness of Himself, as does the Father, was exceedingly more. He was the ever-illuminating Light for all men of the entire World. (John 8:12-19) The obedient First-Born Son’s inheritance was not only offered to the Nation of Israel, but to all the Nations. (Isaiah 49:6) The Light, initially received by any man across the Earth, brings new and eternal LIFE in rebirth of spirit and Divine NATURE that we might then walk in Light instead of darkness. (Romans 8, 2nd Peter 1) All men are naturally born to Adam’s condemned nature, in the eternal state of darkness (Romans 5:12), and are ignorantly lost captives in satan’s World. Every man born of woman are slaves of sin. (John 8:12,23,44) And although dead, John the Baptist still gives his anointed witness of the true Light.

(VERSE 9) “The true light (that separates lies from truth, as it casts out spiritual darkness), which enlighteneth every man (who shall open his mind and heart to Him), was to come into the World (the statement ‘was to come into the World’ is not a reference to ‘every man’ that would come into the World, but to the true Light that was to come into the World, which was made known by Old Testament prophets that would assuredly come into the World through the lineage of Abraham. (Verse 9’s declaration ties back with that statement in Verse 4… “In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”

And so John’s Gospel ties John the Baptist to that ‘Light’ as His forerunner by Malachi 3:1a… “Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me…” then shortly thereafter the Light is to appear suddenly Malachi 3:1b “…and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts.”

What is ‘light’ to a man?... but a measure of Truth made known. We can’t get the full measure in this lifetime; light is granted only to a degree. His light is more than we can take in. It illuminates what is right and what is Truth. And what is darkness?... but Truth unknown. What is darkness but man’s continued vain and feeble attempt to attain soulical knowledge and longer life/living outside Jesus Christ, the ‘Tree of life’. ‘Death’ (an eternal separation from the “Life” only found in the Son of God) is their condemned condition following after their ‘father’; the author and ruler of the multifaceted World system designed to keep the lost soul in darkness and in slavery to sin, alienated from God.

The spiritually-blind un-regenerated man does not, upon conversion, receive enough light for clearness of vision, but is.....


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