Debunking Anti Capitalism: Refuting Saint Andrewism

3 years ago

Debunking anti capitalism is something I find myself doing all too often with BreadTube spread across YouTube with countless myths you hear about capitalism, whether it is arguments on the environment, booms and busts, housing and healthcare costs, etc, there is never a shortage of content out there making such baseless claims and assertions about capitalism.

In this particular video I respond to, however, Saint Andrewism makes the claim that the typical Anti Capitalism you see today isn't good enough, instead, he calls for revolutionary change, something less passive. Little does he even begin to understand, his ideas were tried before many a times in the past and many lost their lives as a result of it.

Saint Andrewism gives away several concessions, which, to be fair, is at least more honest than other socialists who try to swerve past such things.

Saint Andrewism, much like other socialists, make the claim that capitalism is responsible for such environmental damage and waste, as always, socialists like to speak a lot whilst saying very little and providing no rational solution in the process.

Much like other socialists, Saint Andrewism has a black and white picture worldview of produce, as if clothing is one entity, as well as food, completely overlooking the fact there are thousands of different options and with society all having different tastes from one another, he fails to account for how socialism will direct production for such a vast market of consumers.

Saint Andrewism is a "Libertarian Socialist" (yes, I know, oxymoronic) whom concedes violence is their only option. This concession illustrates why socialists are very dangerous, not only do they lead society down a very dark road of oppression and severe economic impoverishment, they lead to mass graves. I wonder where we saw that in history again?

• Introduction: (0:00)
• Responsibility: (1:03)
• Vague Anti Capitalism: (1:25)
• Defining Capitalism: (2:05)
• His Dishonesty: (3:02)
• Defining Social Democracy: (3:28)
• Neoliberal Myth: (4:01)
• Human Nature: (4:37)
• Wealth Explained: (5:56)
• Monopolies Explained: (6:33)
• Private vs Public: (8:20)
• Profits and Waste: (9:50)
• Market vs Political Entrepreneurship: (10:48)
• Prager U Name: (11:36)
• Violence Concession: (12:04)
• The BIG State Concession: (13:16)

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