"It's dangerous to government" ― Cancel culture and its affinity to authoritarian rule

2 years ago

Governments know that fear is an excellent tool to achieve an obedient and distracted population, which allows authoritarians to do what's in their own best interest. Governments are not opposed to lies and misleading information at all, as long as it's in their own benefit. Any information that conflicts with their own agenda, especially true information, is viciously attacked and labeled as dangerous misinformation.

Authoritarians are not against misinformation, they just want to own the monopoly on misinformation. They want to be your single source of truth. They want to redefine terms: 'truth' is whatever they want you to believe; Whatever conflicts with what they say is 'misinformation'.

Authoritarians use divide and conquer tactics: if you're not with us, you're against us. Examples of dissenters who must be cancelled according to authoritarians are anti-vaxxers, conspiracy thinkers, virus deniers, quacks and others.

Because authoritarians often cannot neutralize 'misinformation' since it's actually true, they don't even try to discuss the facts and interpretation and instead resort to appeals to authority (one of the weakest form of proof): "The CDC says so and they are the experts who represent The Science™ , therefore it must be true". They also resort to ad hominem attacks: They intimidate and try to destroy the messenger. Facts and interpretations are just annoyances to them, because they can hinder their domination.

In the 17th century, king Charles banned coffee houses in England, because coffee houses were places where people got together and talked, including speaking critically of the king's behavior. This could lead to "jealousy and dissatisfaction in the minds of my subjects".

Gavin de Becker: "And then the following year, [King Charles] does another proclamation and this one says, 'Spreaders of false news or promoters of anything malicious against the state will be considered seditious, you know, going against the government."

Joe Rogan: "Wow! What year is this?"

Gavin de Becker: "This is 1672 [ish]."

Joe Rogan: "So that's where fake news came from."

Lockdowns were the equivalent of the ban on coffee houses from 2020 onward. However, due to the internet, this was clearly insufficient to prevent the dissemination of information that is undesirable to authoritarians, so the major social media companies instituted online Thought Police to cancel any and all undesired information. The main stream media formed one front and ignored any and all information that conflicted with the Narrative.

Joe Rogan and end-to-end encryption are dangerous too because they are resistant to (self) censorship, so they have to be canceled too. What the vested interests conveniently neglect to mention is that they're only dangerous to THEM, not to the population. Censorship is very dangerous to the population.

SOURCE: https://rumble.com/vzcjmx-so-thats-where-fake-news-came-from-cancel-culture-and-its-affinity-to-autho.html

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