Ryan (Logik) Roberts, Trump Rally Michigan, as seen on RSBN 4/2/2022

2 years ago

Trump Rally Washington TWP. Michigan 4/2/2022


Hello! My Name is Ryan Roberts and I'm also known by many online as Logik. I was born and raised in West Michigan, and have lived here in this beautiful state my whole life. My two older brothers and I grew up in Lake County, without a father in the picture. Our single mother worked for minimum wages and struggled our whole youth to put food on the table. Our dad, on the other hand, made the decision of choosing drugs, alcohol, and women over raising and supporting us. He left the picture when I was 4 years old, and went on to have many other children, while going in and out of prison. The most important thing my father, (unknowingly) taught me was the type of man NOT to be, as well as the type of father NOT to be to my children. The most important thing that growing up poor in a small poor community taught me was that if I wanted to see the world or have nice things, I would have to work extra hard in life and also in school.
on all of their grandchildrens' lives. They established our whole family tree firmly in the Faith and Foundation of Jesus Christ, and we all grew up in and attended the same amazing church for the majority of our youth. Although we grew up poor, we had a beautiful childhood in a beautiful community, that I would never trade. My grandpa who passed away 2 years ago at the age of 96, was many things to our family and community, and among those things, he was the Deacon and the Church Bus Driver for First Baptist of Woodland Park Church for many many years. I moved in with my grandparents at the age of 14, and he showed me what it was like to be not only a good man but a Real Man of God. He and my grandma were married for over 60 years, and also both well known elders in Newaygo, Lake, and Osceola counties. My grandma is 93 and still lives on the property her and grandpa acquired many decades ago.

In 2003, I ended up graduating at the top of my class and was also voted "Most Likely to Succeed" by my fellow classmates, and went straight to college. After a painful break up with my first love, I relocated across state to the city, as my life was turned upside down, then quickly wound up back in West Michigan. For several years I struggled to find my way, got caught up straddling the fence, and got in some trouble. Overtime, the Lord called me off of the fence and back on to the Narrow Path. I worked hard for my children and have studied even harder for my future. In 2017, I graduated from the same community college I started at, with a Degree in General Studies and an emphasis on math and science.

I am not a politician, but what I am is a great husband, father, and a mighty warrior for God, Family, and Country and I've have been fighting for those specific things for over half my life. For the past several years I've been fighting harder than ever. If anyone wants to know more about me or my views, I have a interactive podcast called "Logik's View", where I do citizen journalism and boldly spread the gospel. I am thankful for this chance to serve the people of Michigan and the 102nd district. I plan to do my best on getting to know the exact needs and desires from as many residents of my district as possible, so I can serve them better when I'm elected! Thank you all again and God Bless!!!


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