ACR AISlink MOB Test & Review - Pacific Ocean Crossing Test

3 years ago

About halfway through our Pacific Ocean crossing from the Galapagos Islands to the Marquises Islands we decided to test out some of the tech we brought aboard. We are using ACR's AISLink CB2 AIS Transponder and running it through WiFi onto our iPhones using the Navionics App to display all AIS targets. It took about 2.5 minutes for our AIS to pick up on the signal, but it worked well. We did not test at the 5 nautical mile (conditions dependent) listed range.

Product description and specification located here:

We were not paid by ACR nor given any compensation to test this.

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🎬Edited by: Jason Kruger @Krugball🎬

review, safety equipment, MOB, Man over board

DISCLAIMER: We are not professional sailors, mechanics, engineers, etc. We are two idiots that bought a boat and are trying to get it around the world without sinking or drowning. Any advice here is purely for entertainment or broad information. Always seek out a professional in whatever you do. S/V Full Send and its crew are not responsible for anything you do based off what you watch.

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