I'm Gonna Git You Sucka - A Battlefield Montage by DaMn_YoU_DeAd

3 years ago

What do you do with a bunch of sweet clips from playing Battlefield. Make an epic montage of course. This is the first Battlefield 3 montage that I've created despite playing the game for many years. I just didn't have a good enough computer to get the quality I really wanted for a good compilation. Filmed in game across many maps. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it and I'll see you soon in Battlefield 2042!! #Battlefield #Montage #Battlefield3 #Battlefield2042 #Epic #Killstreak #OnlyInBattlefield #FPS

Music Used:
Song: Guardians
Artist: Evan King
Video link: https://youtu.be/L3r_1h89_xg
Free download at: https://www.evankingmusic.com
Song: 'Per Kiilstofte - Dystopia' is under a Free for YouTube license.
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:
Video Link: https://youtu.be/USBucuZiarA
Song: Timur Haisyn - Brutal Fervour (No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Tunetank.
Free Download: https://bit.ly/2WuTq9d
Video Link: https://youtu.be/4k2S-30eGyQ

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