09/15/21 Wed. Deflated in CA! RIP Norm Macdonald; Politicians' Masks!

3 years ago

0:00:00 Wed, Sep 15, 2021
0:01:20 Coke Song, The Cootees
0:03:10 Hey, guys!
0:04:38 Deflated Hake
0:13:17 Greg, Wilmington, DE: FBI
0:21:28 Rick, ME: CA Recall
0:25:29 Super Chats: Very late!
0:29:10 RIP Norm Macdonald
0:34:50 Bobby, TX: Norm
0:43:50 Robert, KS: Recall
0:51:36 Silly Evil Mandates
1:01:07 I'm OK You're OK, The Cootees
1:05:06 Killian, Boston, MA: Norm
1:15:45 Phony Fauci
1:24:29 Howard, NC
1:30:00 Super Chat: Italians
1:32:58 Norway is lost
1:35:53 Jeremiah, LA
1:42:08 Lewis, London, England
1:52:08 Kevin, Chicago, IL
1:56:05 Super Chat: Ethnic Infant
1:57:25 Elijah, CA
1:59:07 Thanks, all!
1:59:47 Desert Brawl, Vans in Japan

The Hake Report, Wednesday, September 15, 2021: Hake feels "deflated" after Larry Elder reportedly lost to Gov. Gavin Newsom in the "partisan" CA Recall. // Rest In Peace, Norm Macdonald, Canadian Christian comic who thought for himself. // Performance: Foreign politicians posse hurriedly put on masks on-camera as they mandate mask-wearing. // Rep. Paul Gosar warns of Feds' violent enforcement of Biden vaxx mandates. // Anthony Fauci tells MSNBC/BBC's Katty Kay they're thinking of requiring vaxx proof for airline travel. // INTERESTING CALLS — see below! //

MUSIC: The Cootees – "Coke Song" and "I'm OK You're OK" – from 1997 album Let's Play House //

Also check out Hake News from today.

Greg from Wilmington, DE vents at the phony Congressional hearing on gymnast victims.
Rick from Maine wishes the governor's recall election went differently in California.
Bobby from Texas loved Norm Macdonald.
Robert from Kansas jokes that Jenner would have won in California, and pushes the "truth."
Killian from Boston, MA tells a couple of Norm Macdonald jokes.
Howard from North Carolina was happy to hear local media praise Trump for success.
Jeremiah from Louisiana asks about the U.S. founding, then won't answer whether he sins!
Lewis from London, England believes the U.K. is lost, worse than America.
Kevin from Chicago, IL reminds us Nick Cannon smeared whites but didn't apologize!
Elijah from California talks about the shallow hatefulness of Jeremiah.

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2021/9/15/091521-wed-deflated-in-ca-rip-norm-macdonald-politicians-masks

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show and produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND a nonprofit dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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