2 years ago

What is witchcraft hitting you with:
Honestly- if you’ve been faithful to come up higher- you should be sitting pretty right now where the witchcraft is (GUESS WHAT) DECREASING! Because you have been faithful to get free so the warfare is starting dimmish against you.
THIS is where TRUE Front Runners are at currently – if not- then you need to focus on deliverance.

DEUTERONOMY 18:1-20:20 – Being GENEROUS People
As we come back into Gods heart we are learning how benevolent God’s heart is. As should we be towards one another. The less mature the people around a ministry the less Gods standards will be applied, which means the more warfare that leadership will take.
The more mature the vessels are the less warfare that leadership/house takes because alignment should be the predominant focus in this hour IF a vessel is truly hearing the Lord. Alignment and deliverance. At this point in the ballgame the people of God should be a separated people knowing WHO THEY ARE AND WHOSE THEY ARE- meaning you know you’re the SON/DAUGHTER of a King and you know how to take your seat beside Him in heavenly places.
We are in a season where we are either becoming more authentic or MORE weak/or darker by the spirit which can only come by getting to know the King. Because the KING has the POWER and unless you are HIS SON/DAUGTHER- YOU HAVE ZERO OF IT- But how do we get to know Him? .

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