
3 years ago

PFG can do one! Sick of being used, talk down to, treated like crap, they take what they can, and then discard you. They are starting a 3D printing group, if it wasn't for me, this would never have happened, I feel like I have been led up the garden path. They pretend to care, they don't! Myself, I have some very serious mental health problems, depression, anxiety to name but a few but they choose to ignore, I had to stand in a room with two people I feel very uncomfortable with to begin with. I had to sign a paper which I refused, and my refusal means I can not attend any groups. The groups themselves are run in a very dictatorship way, you can't say this, you can't say that........ forget freedom of speech there. I hold PFG with absolute deep contempt, they have a very spiteful and vindictive way about them. I am now disassociating myself from them. Rant over, to me, they don't exist! They are the real bastards!

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