† This question has defeated over 330 atheists for 15+ years

3 years ago

BE BLESSED http://www.shockofGod.com
https://www.conservapedia.com/Shockofgod My Challenge
Growing List of atheists who have failed this question below..see any you know?
My total Destruction of stupid atheist call in show lol
1. Theamazingatheist
2.Matt Dillahunty and the entire Atheist experience show
3. Aronra
4. Thunderf00t
5. armouredskeptic
6. Richard DaWKINS
7. Christopher Hitchens before he died
8. Godless Engineer
9. Onision
10. Zinniajones
11. Theatheistvoice
12. Atheismisunstoppable (I stopped it)
13. Cosmic Skeptic
See complete list at http://www.shockofGod.com (See also the catacombs)
The question is "What proof and evidence can you provide that would finally at last prove that atheism is accurate and correct?

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