Joe Biden is creating the world’s largest border crisis in human history!!

2 years ago

Just when you think things could not do any worse Joe Biden has been advertising our open border policy to the south. I can’t believe the democrats are going to die on this hill. This is moral and political malpractice of the highest order. Joe Biden is going to create and control the narrative that you both created and caused this border crisis and it’s America’s fault. This is is pure mainstream media manipulation of facts and Joe Biden is throwing America under the bus. I cannot believe they are seriously. The fact that the left is completely Comitteed. Stunning stunning. Nobody can remember a time when the lunatic left has ever been this unhinged.
Is this hard? What am I missing? Joe Biden is advertising an open border and people are coming. I can’t even imagine the damage that this will do to America. This is real ladies and gentlemen.

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