Kash’s Corner: Hunter Laptop Disinformation; Clinton Campaign Fined for Dossier Payments | TEASER

2 years ago

18 months since the New York Post originally broke the story, the infamous Hunter Biden laptop is back in the limelight after the Washington Post and New York Times report that they’ve verified thousands of emails from the laptop.

At the time, dozens of high-level intelligence community officials—including a former director of national intelligence and three former directors of the CIA—signed a letter claiming the emails looked like Russian disinformation. It was right in the midst of a heated election cycle.

Fast forward to this week, the assistant director of the FBI’s cyber division, Bryan Vorndran, testified under oath that he did not know the location of the laptop, which had been seized by the FBI in 2019.

Also, this week the Washington Examiner broke the story that the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has fined the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign for secretly funneling money to ex-British spy Christopher Steele for the creation of the Steele dossier. The DNC and the Clinton campaign are not contesting the fine.

Tonight, Kash Patel gives us his take on what’s going on.

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