Disney’s (Woke) World

2 years ago

LBGTQ ect community is never satisfied with the status quo! Disney is pushing back against Florida's HB 1557; Parental Rights in Education bill! Disney will soon learn that going WOKE (willingly overlooking known evil) has a high cost, that they may not be willing to pay!!

EXCLUSIVE CPAC Interview w/ Dr. Ben Carson | The Future of American Education
Standing for Freedom Center

The Sad Collapse and Corruption of Disney’s (Woke) World
Opinion Paul Batura Mar 31, 2022 Washington, DC Lifenews.com

executive producer Latoya Raveneau says her team has implemented a "not-at-all-secret gay agenda” video HT Christopher F. Rufo

Disney exec cops to advancing ‘gay agenda’ by ‘adding queerness’ to shows

By Alexandra Steigrad March 30, 2022 11:19am Updated

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